Sunday, January 10, 2010

Soiree at ScottyDale Farms December 2009

A southward trek provides the gentle descent into the lush, mature wood of the Drumlins as we near ScottyDale Farms. An elegant cascade of white miniature lights, draping the eastern boundary, crisply illuminates our destination. Approaching the 1900’s farm house, festive colored lights adorn pine and ornamental trees throughout the yard, while each window beckons warmly with a single candle.

Stationed just within the foyer, Duke Rigby of Dalmatia acknowledges each guest, silently ushering everyone toward the crackling hearth of the Rumford fireplace at the center of the Great Room, which welcomes with a warmth second only to that of our hosts.

Joe tends to libations, while stuffed sausage bread, bacon wrapped scallops, and spinach quiche begin the hors d’oeuvre parade. Joining for 2010, our newest member Peter K. is introduced with a promise that no test of names will occur. Sausage & meatballs, bacon wrapped chicken livers meander about, while Crudités, cheese and nibbly bits, and trays of every imaginable holiday cookie are covering most flat surfaces available. Chip offers assurance that only the deviled eggs came from the farm (some sort of Christmas miracle? Chickens that lay deviled eggs?)

Gathering near the Christmas tree, Scott begins the “Yankee Gift Exchange” with an Eldorado replica speeding through many hands, rapidly accruing miles on her odometer! An extensive chronicle of the Corvette’s history, numerous automotive detailing products, and the limited edition calendar with stunning vintage photographs, soon compete for attention as well. Elements of holiday décor also emerge as the wrapping paper flies, but tend to remain closely guarded (Hey Beyotch! hands off my holiday brooch…) Bottles of wine, an object d’art, and caroling snow-people brought smiles, and shrieks of laughter. A Yankee candle was apropos for Yankee gift exchange, but there was also a gleaming chrome battery powered device to “Add a little spice!” which might raise an eyebrow or two in airport security (Mmm… Hmm! please step aside sir….)

A challenging trivia test of automobiles and related history surprisingly stumps many, but narrowly yields “Just Desserts” for a certain “Fount of Knowledge”. Lord Oliver offers songs from his extensive repertoire as the grazing continues, when suddenly in the next room, several brazenly announce their ongoing search for the pickle? (I think I may have played this game once or twice before!) What do you mean just on the tree?

With the excitement reaching a fever pitch, our musical director and his entourage brave the clear December evening, and venture toward Miss Dolly, no doubt offering an impromptu rendition of “Away in a Manger”

Thank you for a Truly Scrumptious Soiree at ScottyDale Farms!

1 comment:

Rochesterbearcub said...

What a magical evening of Yuletide merriment! DM's prose gives those who could not be present a glimpse into this special evening of friendship and fun. Looking forward to future gatherings in the New Year!

Peter G.