Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fingerlakes Jaunt 2008 Part V

Our departure from Keuka Overlook Cellars is a lovely downhill cascade, geographically caressing the lush hillsides approaching Todd and Mark's "Lakeside Villa". While a bit less daunting than the "Kennedy Compound" in Hyannisport MA, a verbal mapping of the estate, along with guesthouse assignments, and it was time for our version of 'Mo-Town mingling! Entertainment was provided by "The Teutonic Twins" the handsome, muscle-bound lads, their bodies taught, and rippling with nary an ounce of fat. We took our seats under the pavillion as they were cavorting on the lawn displaying their athletic prowess, and performing requests despite a significant language barrier, while the catered barbecue began preparations for a sumptuous feast !

After the twilight sky had bid everyone a fond farewell, lake waters calming to a delicate kiss upon the shore, only the song of the crickets remaining..... the improvised shadow puppetry theatre began !


Anonymous said...

Mmmm, what about the "LumberJack"? now that would have been my first choice as the dessert course!

Anonymous said...

The Lumberjack's porn name should be "Paul Bum-Yum" !!